Waiting On Wednesday (65): Project Cain by Geoffrey Giard

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill of Breaking the Spine where you have a chance to let other know what you can’t wait to claim as your own. 

by Geoffrey Girard
Expected publication: September 3rd 2013 by Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers
Fifteen-year-old Jeff Jacobson had never heard of Jeffrey Dahmer, the infamous serial killer who brutally murdered seventeen people more than twenty years ago. But Jeff’s life changes forever when the man he’d thought was his father hands him a government file telling him he was constructed in a laboratory only seven years ago, part of a top-secret government cloning experiment called ‘Project CAIN’.

There, he was created entirely from Jeffrey Dahmer’s DNA. There are others like Jeff—those genetically engineered directly from the most notorious murderers of all time: The Son of Sam, The Boston Strangler, Ted Bundy . . . even other Jeffrey Dahmer clones. Some raised, like Jeff, in caring family environments; others within homes that mimicked the horrific early lives of the men they were created from.

When the most dangerous boys are set free by the geneticist who created them, the summer of killing begins. Worse, these same teens now hold a secret weapon even more dangerous than the terrible evil they carry within. Only Jeff can help track the clones down before it’s too late. But will he catch the ‘monsters’ before becoming one himself?
Why I need this: HELLO TOTALLY AWESOME IDEA!!!! This just sounds like a great ride! I mean really!! All the history that can come out of this! It just ignites all these feels of how awesome this will be!!! And how sexy is the name Cain.  I know its not the MC name, but still!

What are you waiting on?


  1. The cover is so awesome. I featured this one a few weeks ago and I'm super excited. One sinister project they have going. I mean who would clone serial killers?!?! How about scientists or mathematicians?!?! LOL Should be a good ride though.
    My WOW

  2. This one is on my list too! here is mine. http://jennreneeread.blogspot.com/2013/05/waiting-on-wednesday-57-and-www.html

  3. Ooo, I've heard of this one! It's nothing something that I would typically read, but I might give it a try. I'll probably borrow it from the public library. I hope you enjoy it when you read it! :)

    Check out my WoW post!

  4. WOW. That sounds so different that anything I have ever heard of. I have never heard of this one before but I can't wait to pick it up now!

  5. This sounds, just, like pure awesomness!

    Emily @ Counting in Bookcases (New Follower!)
    My WOW

  6. Just discovered your blog. It's lovely.

    Andreea @ http://themoonlitbookshelf.blogspot.de/


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