Best of 2012: End Of The Year Book Survey
It’s that time of year again!! Time to recap all the amazing books I have read and swooned over!! I was able to read so many amazing books this year it’s going to be SOOOOO hard to pick!!! These ARE NOT in order because that is just mean!!! I mean really how the hell do you expect me to put my favorite books in order! It’s hard enough to just pick a few books that I loved this year! And in all fairness I won't put books that I reread this year because I mean come on, if I took the time to reread them they are EPIC! (I appolazie for this post being EPICLLY long)
1. Best Book BOOKSSSSSSS You Read In 2012?
Contemporary YA
Contemporary NA
Dystopian YA
Fantasy: I don’t read too many truly fantasy, but I did LOVE Mark Of the Princess by B.C Morin.
Honestly, Divergent by Veronica Roth. I heard so many great things about this book and series but it didn’t live up to the expectations for me. It was quite the let down. And I am in no rush to read the next book, even though I own it. Which upsets me because I broke my rule about not buying more books in a series until I have read the first book. But I blew my load early thinking I was going to love this book and didn’t.
3. Most surprising (in a good way!) book of 2012?
On Dublin Street. I don’t know what it was about this book that just hit me in all the right places. I think that it had more of an impact because I was in a book funk when I read it and I just didn’t think it would was going to be totally fabulous but man its fucking EPIC!!!
4. Book you recommended to people most in 2012?
Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire, Lux Series by JLA, The Assassin Series by Toni Aleo, On Dublin Street by Samantha Young and Down To You by M. Leighton. All of these books are the first out of my mouth when someone asks for a great read (either NA read or awesome read) I can’t help it, these really are some of the most amazing books I have ever read.
Sea Breeze by Abbi Glines -Man did this ever become my favorite!! Short, sweet and full of sexy southern boys! Abbi has the magic!
Sweet Series by Wendy Higgins- So cheating here, only one book is published out of three but never the less its amazing!
Assassins by Toni Aleo- Hot hockey players, sex, and epically awesome heroines?? Fuck yea baby!!
6. Favorite new authors you discovered in 2012?
Toni Aleo I really cant say enough about how much I love Toni. Not only did I get to discover her books this year, but also she has become a rather close friend of mine and I just love having her in my life!! Now if only we can get to a hockey game together!!!
Tara Fuller-WONDER TARA’S UNITE!!! Uh yea, Tara is awesome and I love her books!! Not to mention, she has like the coolest name ever! Just sayin
Brodi Ashton – I loved Everneath and ended up getting to meet Brodi and totally loved her!!! Even got to interview here thanks to NYMBC!!
Wendy Higgins- You guys, guess what?!?! WENDY IS MY FRIEND!!! I know I can’t believe it either. And I know I have said this countless times over but its still crazy to think that she talks to me and that I have even made an impact with her husband!!! But really, Wendy is AMAZING and so sweet and humble!! I'm blessed to be able to read her books and say hi to her!
Veronica Rossi- So this author I got to see at the start of the year at a signing and I didn’t know that she was a local author and when I found out, I was like YES! So I have seen her more and more over the year and I just fricking love her!!! And her taste is pure is amazing!! And guys, it’s a crime how friggin pretty she is!! I always think she is such a bad ass because she always wears these awesome leather jackets and just rocks! And her books are friggin sick!
7. Best book that was out of your comfort zone or was a new genre for you?
I didn’t read any out of my comfort zone really. I mean I tried a couple fantasies which isn’t my cup of tea too much, but I actually didn’t finish the book.
8. Most thrilling, unputdownable book in 2012?
Abbi Glines books ALL OF THEM!! The Sea Breeze Sereis, Fallen Too Far I just couldn’t get enough!!!
On Dublin Street by Samantha Young- book crack candy to the max!
Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins I mean have not slept when I read this one. The first time. Second time I know I didn’t sleep!
9. Book You Read In 2012 That You Are Most Likely To Re-Read Next Year:
I will always read these books. they are just amazing, beyond amazing
10. Favorite cover of a book you read in 2012?
From books I have read

Books I haven't read
11. Most memorable character in 2012?
Gosh there are so many, but I would have to say Kaidan Rowe not because he is so yummie but damn that boy gets under my skin.
And then there is Kraven from Dark Kiss. Something about that boy is just uhg IDK so tempting and mysterious.
Oh man this is just hard but I think I will have to go with In Honor because the way that Jessi describe s landscape and everything else is just amazing. I can feel the dust from the desert and the sky. Everything.
13. Book that had the greatest impact on you in 2012?
There are so many ways to be impacted. I can do with earth shattering sexy like Sweet Evil and the Lux series.
I can go with totally bawling mess and say In honor.
I can say um oh wow where are my pantis with assassin series, on Dublin, While It lasts
sooo many I will remember forever
14. Book you can’t believe you waited UNTIL 2012 to finally read?
The Hunger Games. And yes I read it for the movie and damn why did I wait. I still need to finish the last book, because it was so emotional and just too much I needed a break but I will pick it back up…soon.
Longest — my GR says Bitterblue at 563 pages but I never actually finished that book so we have to go with Fifty Shades Freed at 551 pages
Shortest — Daimon at 62 pages, but that is a novella and novellas don’t count so its Breathe by Abbi Glines at 166 pages.
16. Book That Had A Scene In It That Had You Reeling And Dying To Talk To Somebody About It? (a WTF moment, an epic revelation, a steamy kiss, etc. etc.) Be careful of spoilers!
A lot of them come from the book Wallbanger because that shit was just too fucking funny. All I will say is there this this funny part with her Cat and the smexy neighbor’s lady friend.
And then that fucking ending for Down To you!!! OH man if you read it you know what I'm talking about!
17. Favorite Relationship From A Book You Read In 2012 (be it romantic, friendship, etc).
Ok really, this one comes from Under The Never sky. More specifically from Through the ever night and it’s the relationship Roar and Aria have. Something about it is so touching. And I know it’s a shocker that I'm not picking a relationship but a friendship for this answer. What they have is so touching and they have such a strong connection I just love it!
And just because I cant ever just give one answer, I'm going to talk about a new relationship is driving me crazy is Erik and Piper from Toni Aleo’s upcoming book Blue Lines. These two are giving me a book migraine!! But in such a good way. You all need to add this book to your TBR pile ASAP!!!! You will not be sorry, these two will make you so crazy and in a good way!
In Honor. I read her Moonglass series before and she is one of my favorite authors!! I even got to meet her this year and yall, I was a total fangirl!!!
19. Best Book You Read That You Read Based SOLELY On A Recommendation From Somebody Else:
Does having every book person ever scream at me YOU HAVENT READ HUNGER GAMES? Count?
20 Best Book Boyfriends of 2012 (Not in any order, except maybe lining up for some Tater Pops!)
Kraven from Dark Kiss by Michelle Rowan
Cash/Nash from Down To You by M. Leighton
Lucas from Trying To Score by Toni Aleo
Cole from Everneath by Brodi Ashton
Will from Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin
Daemon from The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Braden from On Dublin Street by Samantha Young
Adam from Shatter Me by Tehara Mafi
Kaidan from Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins
Cage from While It Lasts by Abbi Glines
Book Blogging/Reading Life in 2012
1. New favorite book blog you discovered in 2012?
Magen C from Corrie THe Cook Crazed Girl because she is so full of personality and spunk! Love her. I don't know at what point she followed me or I followed her but I can tell you my blogging life, and regular life is so much cooler with her in it!
2. Favorite review that you wrote in 2012?
3. Best discussion you had on your blog?
I never really did discussions on the blog, but I always love my twitter talks about new adult books. and yes it will happen!
4. Most thought-provoking review or discussion you read on somebody else’s blog?
Now I favorite book ah ha moments have come from Radiant Shadows discussions. I normally don’t read them because I find discussion topics to be a bit dry and boring unless you have a great personality but her topics have always just been fantastic! And I would tell you all about them, but her blog is in transition to WP and I can't get to them!!! UGH! Anyways, when her blog is back up everyone should go and read them! They are fabulous!
5. Best event that you participated in (author signings, festivals, virtual events, memes, etc.)?
Well I went to my first ever big book conversion, ALA and let me say it was an experience!! Bonus, it was right by Disneyland! It was also totally crazy and
6. Best moment of book blogging in 2012?
For me it was hitting one year! That was big for me and I totally loved it. I've also gotten rather close with a lot of my favorite authors: Wendy, Tara, Jen, just so many great people!!!
Plus this happened
So ya know…big deal
7. Most Popular Post This Year On Your Blog (whether it be by comments or views)?
8. Post You Wished Got A Little More Love?
All of my reviews!!! I know it sounds lame but I love my reviews and I always take the time to make sure they are perfect and when they get no love I'm all sad!
9. Best bookish discover (book related sites, book stores, etc.)?
Believe it or not, but discovering my rather local book store and totally awesome book club in Not Your Mothers Book Club and Maggie who runs it. I have gotten ot connect with so many great book people and authors. Its rather unbelievable.
10. Did you complete any reading challenges or goals that you had set for yourself at the beginning of this year?
Yes I did!
I made a lot of progress on my reading challenges. You can see my fully updated list here!
Looking Ahead…
1. One Book You Didn’t Get To In 2012 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority in 2013?
Vampire Academy. I know I know. I gotta read it
Plus Deity and Opal. I know I know, I just idk, I'm so scared cuz I hear so much about the endings I just wanna wait.
2. Book You Are Most Anticipating For 2013?
You ready for this horribly long list?
Sorry no covers yet for these pretties!
Obsession & Origin (Lux 4) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
3. One Thing You Hope To Accomplish Or Do In Your Reading/Blogging In 2013?
Post more reviews!!! I have them written and all, I just never get around to formatting them. also scheduling more blog stuff in advance. For when I'm in my funks, its already taken care of!
Post more reviews!!! I have them written and all, I just never get around to formatting them. also scheduling more blog stuff in advance. For when I'm in my funks, its already taken care of!
Cool Facts!
(This will change considering there are still a few more days left in 2012 but you get the idea!)
Number of blog posts (not counting today): 300
Number of page views: 71956 (As of 9pm on Friday)
Most popular post this year: Teaser Tuesday post for Onyx on May 14
New Followers this year: A LOT!!!!! I think its about 700!!! You all are amazing!
Book Reviews Written: 31!!! Go me!
Books read (including short stories): 69
Pages read (according to Goodreads): 21368 (Its not all of them, there are some that don't have their page numbers listed)
Books by Month
January: 9
February: 7
March: 7
April: 4
May: 7
June: 5
July: 6
August: 5
October: 8
November: 2
December: 3
Total 5 star books: 37
Total 4 star books: 21
Total 3 star books: 7
Total 2 star books: 2
Uneatable: 1
DNF books:1
Thank you so much for choosing Triangles as a book you're looking forward to! I hope you enjoy it! Kimmy :)
ReplyDeleteSo had an awesome year Tara <3
ReplyDeleteThis was great and I agree with your favorite book moments and boyfriends too!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see I'm not the only one who loves Cole from Everneath (I find Jack really boring, but he's still very sweet).
So many great books! It is always hard to choose. You definitely have me wanting to read In Honor now!
ReplyDelete*was typing your post and I hit the damn back button and lost everything! I'm mad :( * Let's do this again!!
So much book love! So many awesome books! (yeah, I still need to read the Assassin Series! I know, I know!! I'll hopefully get to it soon!) But Onyx, Sweet Evil and On Dublin Street!! Loved those book! Dear lord!!! *wiggles eyebrows* Now! *puts hands on hips* You need to read Opal and Poison Princess!!! I loved those two books! And Opal was just... just... there are no words for the awesomeness that Opal!!
Now, I'm just gonna scroll on down to the boys.. yup those boys *happy sigh* Love all of them. I need some more Kaidan! I cannot wait for Sweet Peril! I'm missing him! Is foaming at the mouth normal when you think about that boy?? God, I wanna talk about all those boys and all these books!!! :D
*Now cue the happy screaming and jumping up and down* TARA!!! *tackle hugs* I lurves you so much!!! I'm so happy!!! You girl! Are awesome! You know that :D *fist bump* I just love when I come to your blog and you mention me, I feel like a superstar or something! *slicks back eyebrows* You are just amazing, and wonderful!You deserve for hot guys to feed you grapes and fan you! That's how awesome you are!
*cough cough* *Goes back and stares at the pretty boys*
Loved this post. I really did girl! It has been a great year, and I can't wait for 2013! It's gonna rock!! :D
Magen Corrie
I'm sooooooo loving this post! <3333
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had an awesome sauce year!!! That was great post!
ReplyDeleteAwesome list of 2012 books, some I have read and loved liked Devoured and others like Easy are on my wishlist. I am excited for the Collector in April too!