Follow Friday: Supernatural Creatures...for real???

Follow Friday is a blog hop hosted by two great blogs, Alison of Alison Can Read and Rachel of Parajunkee. Each host will have their own feature blog, but anybody can post!
How does it work?
  • Leave your name on the post.
  • Create a post on your own blog that links back to the post (just grab the FF button) visit as many blogs as you can and tell them hello! In their comments.
  • Be sure to follow them and if someone follows you follow back!!!
Q: If you could choose one supernatural being/creature to really exists what would it be and why? ex. fae { submitted by @SeeingNight }
So again, I haven't done a post for FF in a long time. I have gotten over the fact of acquiring more followers (SERIOUSLY!!! Woke up to 801 today!! I love you all!!) But every now and then there are some questions that I just LOVE! And today's was no different! I read this question and INSTANTLY had an answer for it so I had to share with everyone!!
My answer is DRAGONS! Aside for the fact that they are just bad ass and totally awesome, I want to have pet dragon, named Draco, that has a sexy scottish accent! 
This is my dragon and the only dragon that matters!
And if you haven't see Dragonheart you need to get off the internet and go watch it now! It'a amazing and the best thing ever!! Even Professor Lupin thinks so ;) 

So tell me everyone, would you want a pet Dragon or some other supernatural creature to come home to???


  1. Nice answer!! Great blog btw :)

    New Follower!


    New GFC Follower.:)

    Click HERE for my FF.

    Louisse @ The Soul Sisters

  3. I'd love a pet dragon!! The only problem being where to keep it..
    Here's my FF.

  4. I really need to find more books about dragons,because they arfe awesome and I just love them.
    my F&F

  5. Awesome answer and cute blog u have too!

    New follower via GFC :)
    Here's mine
    "BookShelves Of Dreams"


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