Teaser Tuesday (35): Divergent

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can tease others.

Here’s how:
  • Step 1: Grab your current read. 
  • Step 2: Open to a random page. 
  • Step 3: Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. Be careful not to include any spoilers so as not to ruin the book for others. 
  • Step 4: Make sure to share the title and the author so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR piles! 
And that’s now you make a successful tease (as far as a book goes).

So this really isn't a tease since everyone in the world but me has read this book, but I just couldn't help it. This part in the book made me stop everything and go WOW... like holy crap WOW! Anyways...ENJOY! And tell me your fav part of Divergent!
by Veronica Roth

His absence will haunt their hallways, and he will be a space they can't fill. And then time will pass, and the hole will be gone, like when an organ is removed and the body's fluids flow into the space it leaves. Humans can't tolerate emptiness for long. p. 45

Totally breathtaking!! I'm not kidding when I said that everything stopped! My heart stopped, my lungs refused to exchange oxygen and carbon and my brain came to a crashing halt as I wrapped my head about this beautify passage.

Tell me your fav moment from Divergent if you have one or anything else you want to tease me with!

Don't forget, I still have my 500 Tots giveaway going on!!! PLUS!! 

Holy HAWT Alien Tots Commander
Win 1 of 12 books, including a chance to win an eARC of Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout


  1. Words cannot truly express how much I absolutely love Divergent! You picked a good moment to tease with!

    My TT

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  2. God, I think my fav moment had to be climbing to the top of the Ferris wheel? At least I think it was a Ferris wheel: Four and Tris and the game of capture the flag! Either that or the knife throwing! No wait, definitely the knife throwing scene!

    My TT!
    Happy Tuesday!

  3. Also, I have to say I'm kinda sad not to see our boy Kaidan up there anymore. I can't believe we didn't get him over the line with all those crazy tweets! :(

  4. This book! Gah, I love it so much! That passage is beautifully written. I hope you enjoy the series! It is my favorite! :)
    My Teaser Tuesday

  5. I loved this book! Great teaser!! :)
    Here's mine!

  6. I absolutely loved Divergent!
    Great teaser!!! :)

    My TT

    Magen Corrie
    ~Corrie the book,crazed girl

  7. Great teaser! I totally do not remember this passage. Thanks for sharing and I hope you enjoy!

  8. Such a great read and teaser!!!

    Here's my TT


  9. I love that tease. And that pic of Daemon is oooh..lol thanks for sharing


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