Temptations With Tater (42): Dearly, Beloved

Does a regular Teaser Tuesday leave you feeling empty? Do you always post a whole paragraph in your teaser and never the one to two sentences as the rules state? Do you every just want to type the whole damn book because it is that amazing? Yeah, me too!! Temptations With Tater is a super charged Teaser Tuesday. Inspired by MizB's (Should Be Reading) Teaser Tuesday and Nicole's (The Reader's Antidote) Tempt Me Thursdays, TWT let's you really, REALLY tease your readers!

The rules are very similar to TT but super charged:
  • Step 1: Grab your current read (or most recent read) 
  • Step 2: Select a page with a tantalizing juicy passage. 
  • Step 3: Share a sentence, paragraph or part of the whole page, something that is tempting, tantalizing and will be sure to make the readers want this book bad! 
  • Step 4: Don’t forget to tell us what book so we can add it to our list and cheat on our TBR piles. 
Now, onto the teasing!

So I was just going to take a peek inside this baby just to see where it goes and man it blew me away!!! I just finished listening to book 1 not long ago, and did that ever bring the book to life. I loved the first book and love everything zombies!! So if you love zombies check out this series!!! 

In the mean time here is a bit of a yumminess from book 2, which comes out soon!!! 

by Lia Habel
When I got to the top of the hill, the zombie caught me. I dropped my parasol and leather-bound digital diary in shock. He pulled me to his body from behind, imprisoned my tiny hands in his so I couldn’t fight back, and parted his cold lips at the nape of my neck. 
I squealed with delight, even as I drummed my boot hell on his shin. “Bram, let go!” 
“Never,” he growled against my skin following the kiss, his voice causing me to flush. Before I could protest further he actually picked me up, starting to spin. Laughing despite the ridiculousness of it, I kept my eyes open, watching the scenery fly by-especially in the hilly area to the east that eventually rose into the city of New London, Nicaragua. The capital of New Victoria. The heart of all the world I’d ever know, now transformed, somehow shattered—half dead and half alive. ~ARC p.1 
How amazing is that!!! I'm so in love with Bran and mmm he is just so yummie!!! Yea I love a zombie, get over it!!! 


  1. I really want to start this series soon! It sounds sooooo good. Love that teaser! My TT

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  2. I LOVE Bram!!!! This was so good! The ending SWOON! SO SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I just... I can't get past the fact that he's dead... like... it's weird... Would you kiss a dead body?! WOULD YOU???

  4. Wait... * scratches head* Totally lost.. Guess that means I need to start this series! Loved that!
    And zombies, can't go wrong with zombies!

    My TT

    Magen Corrie

  5. I haven't read the first one in this series. I've never been much of a zombie girl. I do have book one and I do want to read it. Nice teaser girl.



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