Waiting On Wednesday (23): Don't You Wish

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill of Breaking the Spine where you have a chance to let other know what you can’t wait to claim as your own.

Expected publication: July 10th 2012 by Delacorte Books for Young Readers
by Roxanne St. Claire

When plain and unpopular Annie Nutter gets zapped by one of her dad's whacked-out inventions, she lands in a parallel universe where her life becomes picture-perfect. Now she's Ayla Monroe, daughter of the same mother but a different father—and she's the gorgeous, rich queen bee of her high school. 

In this universe, Ayla lives in glitzy Miami instead of dreary Pittsburgh and has beaucoup bucks, courtesy of her billionaire—if usually absent—father. Her friends hit the clubs, party backstage at concerts, and take risks that are exhilarating . . . and illegal. Here she's got a date to lose her V-card with the hottest guy she's ever seen. 

But on the inside, Ayla is still Annie. 

So when she's offered the chance to leave the dream life and head home to Pittsburgh, will she take it? 

The choice isn't as simple as you think. 

Why I need this: This just sounds like such a fun read!!!! I think it will be interesting to see her go from nothing to something!! I know it’s usually the other way around! I was excited when I saw this on netgalley and even more excited when I got approved!!! I think this will be a very cute read and something that will make you stop and think “what would you do” and I love books like that!!!

What are you waiting for?


  1. This does sound good. I may have to go hunt it down if it's still on Netgalley. :)

  2. Eeeeppp!!!! I've got this on Netgalley but haven't started on it yet. Can't wait to read it though=D Great pick!

    Drop by my WoW?

  3. You're right! It sounds like a fun read :) Thanks for sharing!

    Here's my WoW of the week!

  4. Good pick! Sounds fun and deep at the same time. Thanks for sharing, Tara!


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