Onyx Cover Redo and Shadows Exerpt

So I'm sure by now that I am in love with Jenniger L. Armentrout’s work!!! I love everything she writes and am always excited by her news! LIKE the fact that Onyx (book number 2 in the Lux series, Obsidian being the first and OMG have you seen the cover! RAWR) is now going to be Mass Market! Which means I now will be able to stalk my local BN and drool over Daemon there!!! Anyway part of this whole mass market WONDERFULNESS is the fast that the series gets new covers!!! EPPPPPPPPP!!! That is the good news, the bad news is that we now have to wait till August before we cant get out eager little hands on them!! Sobs waaaaaaaannnnn!!!! Hopefully Shadows can tie us over!!!!! So here is what the new cover for Onyx is like!!!! ENJOY!!!! 

Don't they look so nice!!! OH Swoon!

And Jennifer was also so nice to post a tid bit from Shadows!!!!!

A shadow glided over the frozen hills, moving too quick to likely be cast by something of this Eearth. Being that it really wasn’t attached to anything was a sure sign of what it was and where it was heading. And that would be straight toward Dawson Black.
Oh, goodie gumdrops.
Just thinking the name filled the back of his mouth with a metallic taste. The SOB had come like a druggie after its favorite fix. They always travelled in fours, and one of them had already been killed the night before, which left three more of the greasy bastards out there—and one was heading straight for him.
Dawson stood and stretched out his muscles, then brushed the clumps of snow off his jeans. The Arum had come way too close to their home this time. The rocks were supposed to protect them, throw off the unique wavelengths that set them apart from the humans, but the Arum had found them. Close as the length of a football field from the one thing he’d give his life to protect in a heartbeat. Yeah, screw that. Something had to be done. And that something was taking two of the three, which meant the remaining one would be a tad peeved. They wanted to play? Whatever. Bring it. 

Read the rest HERE

Shadows is out on TUESDAY!!! WHOO HOOOO!!!! And Onyx will now be out on August 14th! 

How do you like the new covers???
